
Film screening to celebrate August Revolution, National Day

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 02, 2023, 17:47 [GMT+7]

Five movies will be screened in Da Nang from August 28 to September 2 to mark 165th anniversary of Da Nang's resistance fight against French colonialists (1858-2023), and the 77th year of the August Revolution (August 19) and the National Day (September 2).

They are ‘Viet Nam Thoi Dai Ho Chi Minh - Khat Vong, Doc Lap, Tu Do’ (Viet Nam in the Ho Chi Minh era - Aspiration, independence, freedom), ‘Song Cua Han’ (Waves at Mouth of the Han River), ‘Hai Nam Nua Anh Ve’ (I'll be back in two years), ‘Phia Sau Cuoc Chien’ (Behind war), and ‘Thau Chin O Xiem’.

Hosted by the city’s Culture and Movie Center, the film week aims to review the history of the early resistance to the French by the Vietnamese people in general, and the Da Nang people in particular.

These are films about the history of revolutionary struggle and heroes in the resistance wards, affirming the position, great stature and historical value of the August Revolution and National Day.

The movies will be screened for free at the Le Do Cinema, 46 Tran Phu, Hai Chau District, at 7:00pm daily from August 28 - September 2.

Reporting by X.DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
