
Da Nang on way to develop cultural industry

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 01, 2024, 12:44 [GMT+7]

Da Nang has always paid special attention to perfecting mechanisms and building socialisation policies to encourage businesses to deeply get involved in cultural industry development. At the same time, it has prioritised resources to develop industries with many advantages and potential in a bid to create branded and prestigious cultural products and services in the region and in the world.

Traditional art is a strong cultural product that the city will focus on developing in the coming time. Photo: X.Dung
Traditional art is a strong cultural product that the city will focus on developing in the coming time. Photo: X.Dung

Promoting socialisation of the cultural field

To implement the Prime Minister's "Strategy for developing Viet Nam's cultural industries to 2020, with a vision towards 2030", since 2017, Da Nang has laid emphasis on reviewing and perfecting mechanisms and policies on developing cultural industries, as well as directing relevant ministries and branches to develop socialisation policies in the cultural field. The intention is to create preferential mechanisms for capital, taxes and land to encourage businesses to get deeply involved in cultural industry development.

Thanks to its socialisation policies for the cultural sector, the city has seen an increasing number of businesses and creative spaces. It has attracted a large number of human resources specialised in cultural industries to live and work.

As proof of this, we can mention the famous 'May Lang Thang' (Wandering Clouds) music programme in Da Lat, which was supported, consulted and licenced by the cultural industry in Da Nang.

After more than a year of organisation, the programme has initially created a buzz, and attracted a large audience.

Mr. Vo Hoang Viet, Director of the May Lang Thang Co., Ltd, shared "If the audience watching May Lang Thang in Da Lat is mainly tourists, the audience in Da Nang is mainly locals. Therefore, the performance schedule in the coastal city cannot be crowded and singers are constantly renewed".

To develop a sustainable and effective cultural industry, creative spaces are needed. Therefore, many countries around the world, including Viet Nam, want to join UNESCO Creative Cities Network to develop many creative spaces.

The recently-organised Da Nang Creative Cultural Festival is an effort by Da Nang to promote joining this network in the near future.

A very notable highlight of the festival was the exhibition space and activities launched by the 'Da Nang Tui' (My Da Nang) group.

In particular, the group brought to the public 21 artworks with the theme "Mountains" which were made in forms of watercolor art, animation, pixel painting art, holography, and augmented virtual reality technology.

Leader of the ‘Da Nang Tui’ group Nguyen Ngoc Thien Hieu said that to renew the traditional exhibition format, the group applied augmented reality technology so that viewers could not only enjoy it directly but also scaned QR codes for multi-sensory experience.

“With the exhibition space, my group wishes to honour the cultural beauty of Da Nang to young people, especially international friends, as well as demonstrate the exchange between the local creative practice community and the foreign artist community in Da Nang" Ms. Thien Hieu added.

Development of potential fields

Da Nang has many advantages and potential for developing cultural industries, especially cultural tourism which is considered one of the city’s priority development field.

According to the municipal Department of Culture and Sports, in recent years, the local cultural sector has initially paid attention to promoting the system of monuments and festivals in tourism economic activities.

Aside from specialised museums and scenic relics, the city has developed tours connecting heritage sites and traditional festivals with the aim to preserve and promote the value of historical relics and traditional handicraft villages along the local rivers. Included are the Han River - K20 revolutionary base; the Han River - Tuy Loan - Thai Lai; and the Cu De River tours.

In addition, when it comes to the cultural industry, it is impossible not to mention regional and international events and festivals.

Recently, the city has focused on developing this field and achieved important results, especially achieving the 'Asia's Leading Festival and Event Destination' title.

In particular, the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival has become increasingly large in scale and quality, and one of the city’s unique brands. Also, the Da Nang Asian Film Festival has drawn much attention from domestic and international film makers and artists.

In order to promote the development of the local cultural industry, the city is focusing on researching and submitting to the municipal People's Committee to issue the project "Developing the city's cultural industries until 2030".

Priority will be given to the development of industries with many advantages and potential, with a focus on promoting the application of new technologies in a number of key industries, and ensuring that the development of the cultural industry goes hand in hand with building and perfecting the cultural market in all fields.

According to Deputy Director of the municipal Department of Culture and Sports Ha Vy, from now until 2030, the city will attach the importance to building and developing a number of strong cultural industry products, such as cultural tourism, events and festivals, advertising, design, and traditional arts.

Along with that, some policies on using resources for cultural activities, financial taxes, talent training and selection and socialisation will be issued in order to create a good environment for the development of local cultural industry.

Heed will be on applying new technology in a number of cultural industries to create quality products and participate in the international market.

Reporting by XUAN DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG​
