
Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre offers free show to serve people with meritorious services

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 26, 2024, 18:05 [GMT+7]

Every Wednesday morning, the Da Nang-based Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong (classical drama) Theatre provides a free show for people with meritorious services from Quang Nam Province.

Artistes and actors of the Da Nang-based Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre perform a traditional dance to serve people with meritorious services from Quang Nam Province. Photo: X.D
Artistes and actors of the Da Nang-based Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre performing a traditional dance to serve people with meritorious services from Quang Nam Province. Photo: X.D

The show with the highest professional quality brings those who gave great service in the national revolution unforgettable memories.

Enjoying Tuong performances at the Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre for the first time, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Linh, 72, hailing from Que Son District, Quang Nam Province, who previously worked at the Zone 5 battlefield, could not hide her excitement when enjoying Tuong extracts on stage.

Not only did she attentively enjoy, Mrs. Linh recorded video clips of the performances on her phone to introduce them to her relatives and friends.

She said that ‘Tuong’ or ‘bai choi’ were not unfamiliar art forms, it can be said to be deeply imprinted in the blood of those who worked at the Zone 5 battlefield. However, this is the first time she has had the opportunity to enjoy a professional show in the enclosed space of the theatre. Previously, she mostly enjoyed Tuong performances in such open spaces as residential areas, cultural houses, and stadiums.

“We did not take our eyes of the professional performances by the theatre’s artistes. In particular, the theatre cleverly integrated historical Tuong excerpts into the programme, expressing the loyalty and steadfastness of the Vietnamese people, giving us a feeling of great pride. Surely, my family and I will return to Da Nang in the near future to enjoy other performances of the Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre" Mrs. Linh said.

Mrs. Linh is one of nearly 130 people with meritorious service in Que Son District, Quang Nam Province, who came to Da Nang on the occasion to enjoy the art of Tuong under a coordinated programme between the Quang Nam Provincial Care Centre for People with Meritorious Services and the Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre.

Mr. Ha Phuoc Trinh, former Secretary of the Que Son District Party Committee and a member of the delegation, commented that the content and performing arts of the show left a great impression on spectators. He showed his delight at the theatre’s young and talent Tuong artistes and actors, and the thoughtful and meticulous reception of the theatre’s staff.

“The free Tuong show for people with meritorious services is a very good and meaningful activity. Hopefully, this programme will be maintained so that every person with meritorious service in Quang Nam Province can at least once come to Da Nang to enjoy professional Tuong performances" Mr. Trinh noted.

The free Tuong show to serve people with meritorious services from Quang Nam Province lasts from March until late this year.

According to a representative of the Quang Nam Provincial Care Centre for People with Meritorious Services, once a week, the centre sends a group of people who greatly contributed to the national revolution in the province to the Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre to enjoy traditional Tuong art.

Aside from going to the theatre to enjoy Tuong extract, and learn about costumes and the art of face-painting, the senior citizens from Quang Nam Province are taken to visit the K20 Revolutionary Base in Ngu Hanh Son District, and a number of popular local tourist attractions and Hoi An City.

The programme aims to express deep gratitude to those who have contributed to their homeland and country; as well as enrich cultural and spiritual life for people with meritorious services.

According to Deputy Director of the Nguyen Hien Dinh Tuong Theatre Nguyen Thanh Phuong, the programme to serve people with meritorious service is an honour for the theatre’s artistes, actors, and musicians. Therefore, artistes always try their best to bring the best age-appropriate and best performances possible to people. The programme features a variety of performances, from exemplary Tuong excerpts to traditional music performances, ‘ao dai’ show, and Cham dances.

“A very happy thing for the theatre is to see senior citizens passionately enjoying the Tuong performances, constantly applauding and encouraging the artistes and musicians on stage. This is a great source of motivation for the theatre to continue trying and building more good performances, especially historical Tuong extracts, to better serve the needs of the public, including those with meritorious services” Mr. Phuong shared.

Reporting by KHOI NGUYEN - Translating by M.DUNG, V.DUNG
