
Team US tell story "Humanity - A bridge between nations" at DIFF 2024

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 15, 2024, 22:39 [GMT+7]

Team the USA, with more than 130 years of experience in producing fireworks and participating in major fireworks competitions worldwide, were very confident with their performance on Saturday night although it was the first time the team competed in the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival.

Colourful fireworks bring brilliance and freshness to this year's DIFF.
Colourful fireworks bring brilliance and freshness to this year's DIFF.

Through the performance themed "Humanity - A bridge between nations", team Rozzi Fireworks from the US told the audience a story with beautiful sound and light on the Han River.

The entire team focused on technique with modern equipment and experience in performing over 300 fireworks displays around the world.

The presence of a series of giant fireworks with bright colours symbolized the diversity of human experience. The blending of sounds and music demonstrated the harmonious coexistence of different cultures and contexts.

A representative of the US team also shared before the competition night "We believe that fireworks are not just a form of entertainment but a form of visual art. Through our performance, we hope to inspire solidarity and optimism in the audience".

Below are some photos of the US team’s fireworks display.


Reporting by T.HA, X.DUNG, X.SON - Translating by M.DUNG, P.TRA
