
9th Viet Nam - Japan Festival 2024 kicked off in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 05, 2024, 11:21 [GMT+7]

On Thursday evening, the Da Nang Department of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate General of Japan in Da Nang jointly organised the opening ceremony of the 9th Viet Nam - Japan Festival in Da Nang in 2024 at the Bien Dong (East Sea) Park, Son Tra District.

 Da Nang People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh (left), Da Nang People's Committee Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Anh Thi attend the opening ceremony of the 9th Viet Nam - Japan Festival in Da Nang. Photo: T.P
Da Nang People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh (left), Da Nang People's Committee Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Anh Thi attend the opening ceremony of the 9th Viet Nam - Japan Festival in Da Nang. Photo: T.P

In attendance at the ceremony were member of the Japanese House of Councillors IMai Eriko’ Deputy Director General, the Northeast Asia Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lam Thi Thanh Phuong; Japanese Ambassador to Viet Nam Ito Naoki; Japanese Consul General in Da Nang Mori Takero; Da Nang People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh, Da Nang People's Committee Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Anh Thi and representatives of municipal departments and related agencies.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Vice Chairwoman Thi affirmed that the Viet Nam - Japan Festival is a comprehensive foreign cultural event with Japan in Da Nang to deepen the friendship and cooperation between Viet Nam and Japan, and between Da Nang and Japanese partners in particular.

Delegates perform the sake barrel breaking ceremony (kagami biraki) at the opening ceremony. Photo: T.P
Delegates perform the sake barrel breaking ceremony (kagami biraki) at the opening ceremony. Photo: T.P

This year’s festival opens a new stage of development with prospects for the Viet Nam – Japan ties after the leaders of the two countries agreed on the elevation of the Japan-Viet Nam Relations to the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia and the World.

The festival runs until July 7 at the Bien Dong Park with more than 85 booths on tourism promotion, investment, economic cooperation, the promotion of products and services, sports exchanges, art performances and culinary experience.

In particular, there are sports and arts exchange programme whose many activities take place for the first time at the festival such as playing Japanese baseball; Bon Odori and bamboo dance exchanges; Japanese-Vietnamese tea ceremony exchanges and art performances combining traditional and modern features from the two countries' art troupes, all promising performances imbued with the cultures of the two countries for the audience.

Leaders of the both sides participate in ‘mua sap’ (Cheraw dance) at the Viet Nam - Japan Festival 2024 in Da Nang. Photo: T.P
Leaders of the both sides participate in ‘mua sap’ (Cheraw dance) at the Viet Nam - Japan Festival 2024 in Da Nang. Photo: T.P
 Da Nang residents and tourists visit booths at the festival. Photo: T.P
Da Nang residents and tourists visit booths at the festival. Photo: T.P
 Da Nang pupils enjoy participating in traditional Japanese games at the festival. Photo: T.P
Da Nang pupils enjoy participating in traditional Japanese games at the festival. Photo: T.P

Reporting by THANH PHUONG - Translating by A.THU, V.DUNG
