
DIFF 2024 Finale: Audiences thrilled by amazing fireworks displays by Finnish team

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 13, 2024, 23:19 [GMT+7]

Finland brought to DIFF 2024's final competition night on July 13 a mesmerizing and colourful pyrotechnic show with new, unique, and various melodies through the use of sound and light effects imbued with national identity from Northern Europe.

The fireworks team from Finland opened the show with very impressive effects
The fireworks team from Finland opened the show with very impressive effects

With diverse and unique fireworks effects and vibrant music, members of the fireworks team from Finland "heated up" the stands with endless applause from the Da Nang audiences.

The Joho Pyro Professional Fireworks AB team is a well-known fireworks team at major fireworks competitions around the world. The team were crowned champion at DIFF 2019 and are now facing the opportunity to stand on top once again.

In the final competition night, the performance of the Finnish fireworks team, called "Euphoria", cheered for the enthusiasm, passion, and belief in young people, as well as conveyed the spirit of freedom, not afraid to overcome obstacles to build a bright future.

By using about 10,000 firecrackers, the Finnish team made the audience unable to take their eyes off with artillery firing techniques both in the sky and under water, bringing extremely new effects.

They continued to promote their inherent strengths while bringing surprising moments to the audiences with a modern, vibrant performance based on famous European and American songs and soundtracks.

Here are some photos of the fireworks show produced by the Finnish team:


Reporting by T.HA, X.DUNG, V.HOANG, Q.CUONG - Translating by M.DUNG
