
DIFF 2024 finale expects thrilling competition between China and Finland

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 11, 2024, 12:03 [GMT+7]

China's Liuyang Lingduan New-art Display Co, and Finland's Joho Pyro Professional Fireworks AB will compete at the finale of the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF) 2024 themed "Made of Young Generation" on the evening of July 13. They promise to bring to people and tourists the most exciting finale of DIFF seasons.

Despite the hot weather,  both Chinese and Finnish teams have been working hard to prepare for the final night. IN PHOTO: The fireworks team from China is installing fireworks at the yard. Photo: THU HA
Despite the hot weather, both Chinese and Finnish teams have been working hard to prepare for the final night. IN PHOTO: The fireworks team from China is installing fireworks at the yard. Photo: THU HA

The competition is equal in talent and strength

Currently, the preparatory works for the forthcoming grand finale by the two fireworks teams have been basically completed.

Mr. Johan Dan Erik Hollaender, leader of the Finnish fireworks team, revealed that his team will adhere to the general theme of DIFF 2024 "Made in Unity - Global Connection - Radiant Five Continents”.

“We are determined to bring an explosive and impressive performance with the overwhelming red colour of fireworks. With the theme of "Made of Young Generation", we want to bring to the audience a performance prepared from the team's heart, mixed with many different emotions and the most positive energy” he added.

The Finnish fireworks team will continue to show their inherent style in their display in the qualifying round. In the technical part, the team will demonstrate from many different angles including high-altitude, low-altitude, and on the water surface. As for music, they will take the audience through many levels of emotions with different musical works and then will conclude the performance with the hope that everyone will live in happiness and peace.

“We have been working very hard to design displays of different types of fireworks with lots of different effects. By using about 10,000 firecrackers of all kinds, the team are determined to bring a show that is more perfect and impressive than the previous one” Mr. Johan Dan Erik Hollaender shared.

Meanwhile, members of the fireworks team from China are all diligently preparing for their performance in the grand finale.

Mr. Liang Weiming, leader of the Liuyang Jingduan New-art Display Co fireworks team from China, couldn't hide his joy after his team entered the finale at their debut at the DIFF. Therefore, the whole team was very excited to plan carefully and confidently for the upcoming performance night. At the finale, the team will bring a difference in their performance by combining Eastern and Western music to draw the audience's attention.

The leader of the Chinese fireworks team voiced his hope that the careful combination of music and fireworks promised to bring the most wonderful moments to the audience.

Fireworks team members from Finland are preparing for their performance in the final competition night. Photo: THU HA
Fireworks team members from Finland are preparing for their performance in the final competition night. Photo: THU HA

Teams’ commitment to return to Da Nang

According to Mr. Hollaender, the final night of DIFF 2024 will be a competition of equal talent and strength between the two teams.

“It is difficult to predict the final results because of two different performance styles. However, I think that the two teams are the winners and most importantly, they bring very satisfying and impressive fireworks shows to the audience in Da Nang" Mr. Johan Dan Erik Hollaender said.

Having attended many DIFFs, Mr. Johan Dan Erik Hollaender always feels very comfortable when coming to Da Nang. He shared that he was always full of surprises at the larger scale and professionalism of the festival whenever he returned to the central coastal city.

“We hope the festival will always maintain its quality and develop more each year. If we have the opportunity, we still want to come back and try to bring different performances to the audience in Da Nang" he expressed.

Sharing the same opinion, Mr. Liang Weiming highly appreciated the scale of DIFF 2024 as well as the quality of the participating teams. He underlined that his team had great experiences at DIFF 2024. He also affirmed that the warm welcome of the organisers and local people was the motivation for the team members to prepare their best for the final night. “If we are given the opportunity, we will continue to return to DIFF” he noted.

Ms. Nadia Shakira Wong, the Director of Global 2000 Company, the consulting unit for DIFF 2024, said that all preparations for the finale have been being carried out very well. She added the final competition night was really a challenge for the Finnish and Chinese teams because they only had two weeks to design and prepare for their shows instead of four months in the qualifying rounds.

Ms. Nadia Shakira Wong further informed that DIFF was increasingly growing stronger and attracted the attention of fireworks teams around the world. The fireworks teams highly appreciated and wanted to participate in the festival whilst the audience did not know which night to choose to watch because every performance night was amazing.

“It is very difficult to judge which team is stronger than the other because the Chinese and Finnish teams are both very excellent. Every team has a different style and they shine in their own way. The team has strengths in music, and the other has a very beautiful performance design. This causes many difficulties for the judges in scoring and choosing the best team. But I believe, the jury will find the best element of the 2024 DIFF season” Ms. Nadia Shakira Wong emphasised.

Reporting by THU HA, VAN HOANG - Translating by M.DUNG, T. TUNG
