
Vietnamese student named a Brisbane ambassador

Published: June 10, 2013

A university student from Viet Nam now studying in Brisbane, Australia, has been honored by Brisbane Lord Mayor.

Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk announced 21-year-old Ha Le as one of 33 Brisbane International Student Ambassadors for 2013.

Brisbane’s 33 passionate new advocates from 29 countries will share their experiences back home as well as participate in media interviews, volunteer at multicultural events, and assist with hosting official visiting delegations. As well as coming to grips with a different language and unfamiliar campuses, they will witness unique Australian sporting events, feed dolphins, visit the world-renowned Gallery of Modern Art, and much more. Another bonus for students is that many companies in Brisbane offer internship and graduate programs which embrace cross-cultural skills.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk with Brisbane International Student Ambassador Ha Le from Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Lord Mayor Graham Quirk with Brisbane International Student Ambassador Ha Le from Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

Ha Le is from Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, but lives in Brisbane while she completes her Bachelor of Economics at the University of Queensland. She arrived in Brisbane after being awarded a UQ Foundation Year Scholarship in 2010 and is now the recipient of a UQ Economics Scholarship.

The student ambassador program was established by Brisbane Marketing’s Study Brisbane program in 2009 and is open to both domestic and international students in Brisbane.

(Source:  Vietnamnet)

