
IT and Communication Infrastructure System launched

Published: August 22, 2013

The Da Nang Information Technology and Communication Infrastructure System was officially launched on Wednesday.  The new system consists of a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), a wifi system, a data centre, and an IT Applications Training and Research Centre.

The new system will play a vital role in ensuring the uniformity of technological, information and security structures.  This will also help to promote IT applications in State administrative management, as well as accelerate the establishment of local e-government in the future. 

Cutting the ribbon at the inauguration ceremony of the IT and Communication Infrastructure System
Cutting the ribbon at the inauguration ceremony of the IT and Communication Infrastructure System

In addition, the system will facilitate the city’s effective implementation of its urban traffic management, medical emergencies, fire fighting and prevention, natural disaster mitigation, environmental pollution monitoring and warning, and food and water quality management.

In an effort to operate this system effectively, the municipal People's Committee Vice Chairman, Mr Phung Tan Viet, urged the Department of Information and Communications to assist local authorities to issue regulations and guidelines on the system’s management and operation. 

The Department is asked to continue to conduct research into the building of shared software, online databases and public services.  Local relevant agencies are also instructed to work closely to promote IT applications in administrative reform, contributing to build e-government very soon.
