
TV broadcasting digitisation to be completed by 2020

Published: August 23, 2013

On Thursday, the Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman, Mr Nguyen Xuan Anh, and the Deputy Minister of Information and Communications, Mr Le Nam Thang, discussed the city’s implementation of the Transmission and Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Digitisation by 2020 Project.

According to a report from the local Department of Information and Communications, Da Nang has 2 television stations which are providing economic and cultural news, and entertainment programmes to local residents.  They are the Da Nang Radio and Television Station and the city’s branch of the Viet Nam Television Station.

An overview of the meeting
An overview of the meeting

There are also 7 pay-TV service providers in the city.  They are the VTC and AVG digital television stations, the Autumn River, SCTV and FPT cable television stations, MyTV, and the K+ satellite television station.  These providers, excluding AVG, have a total of 157,174 subscribers.  Of these, 33,790 are digital transmitting and receiving subscribers, and the remaining 123,384 are other subscribers. 

The city is also now home to 5 representative offices of the Radio and Television Station of the Voice of Viet Nam (VOV), the Viet Nam News Agency (VNA), the People's Army Radio and Television Station, the Humanitarian Television Programme, and the VTC digital television stations.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Thang suggested that the city’s authorities should develop detailed plans for publicising the project and the control of television recording devices.  The focus should be on selecting local television service providers to participate in the project, providing support for local poor families, and restructing the city’s existing infrastructure.  


