
Pilot foreign language teaching programmes at pre-schools

Published: March 20, 2014

On Wednesday, the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training issued regulations about organising pilot foreign language teaching programmes at pre-schools nationwide.

According to the regulations, pre-schools are required to ensure suitable facilities and sufficient teaching aids to organise foreign language learning activities for children.  Teachers who teach the subject must have graduated in teaching foreign languages at colleges and higher educational institutions.  In addition, they will be asked to attend advanced courses on pre-school teaching skills.  Their foreign language proficiency must reach at least the fourth level of the six-tiered Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, or be at an equivalent level.  All learning materials for pre-school children will be assessed by municipal and provincial departments of education and training for approval.

An English class in progress (source: thanhnienonline)
An English class in progress (source: thanhnienonline)

Pre-schools which do not meet the above-mentioned requirements will not be allowed to organise foreign language teaching programmes.

