
Bilateral cooperation with ASOCIO to be promoted

Published: November 03, 2014

The Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organisation (ASOCIO) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Summit 2014 took place from 28 - 31 October in Ha Noi and Da Nang.  The event was the largest annual forum on ICT in the Asia-Oceania region.  It featured discussions about ways to promote the bilateral cooperation between Da Nang and ASOCIO.   

During the event, participants were introduced to the potential of and investment opportunities in Da Nang’s ICT sector.  The city was highly applauded by representatives from ASOCIO, the Viet Nam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA), and the Japan IT Services Industry Association (JISA) for promoting ICT development and cooperation in this sector with its partners.

ASOCIO representatives visiting the Da Nang-based FPT Corporation
ASOCIO representatives visiting the Da Nang-based FPT Corporation

