
Duy Tan University celebrates its 20th birthday

Published: November 12, 2014

Da Nang’s Duy Tan University (DTU) celebrated its 20th birthday (11 November) at the city’s Trung Vuong Theatre on Tuesday morning.

The university now has a total of 925 teaching staff members.  14.25% of them are Professors, Associate Professors, and Doctors, whilst 72% are Masters.

To date, the DTU has provided training courses for 76,000 students, of whom 30,000 have graduated.  Currently, the university is offering training programmes for university and college levels, along with Doctorates and Master’s degrees.  In addition, 10 training programmes have been jointly implemented by the university and international educational establishments worldwide, mainly from the USA.  Most notably, the university’s students have won many notable prizes at national and international contests over the past 5 years.

 A representative from the DTU (left) receiving Certificates of Merit from the municipal Party Committee (photo: cadn.com.vn)
A representative from the DTU (left) receiving Certificates of Merit from the municipal Party Committee (photo: cadn.com.vn)

To mark its birthday, the DTU was awarded an emulation flag from the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training.  In addition, 9 groups and 20 individuals from the university also received Certificates of Merit from the Ministry in recognition of their significant contributions to the development of the university over the past 2 decades.  Meanwhile, the university’s Party Organisation and its Secretary, Mr Le Cong Co, were given Certificates of Merit from the municipal Party Committee.  The city’s People’s Committee also presented a traditional flag to the DTU.
