
KOVA awards honour researchers

Published: December 16, 2014

The 12th annual KOVA Awards on December 13 honoured four groups and eight individuals for their outstanding contributions to the fields of applied science and technology and social welfare.

Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan (first L) presented gifts to outstanding individuals at the ceremony. (Photo: VNA)
Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan (first L) presented gifts to outstanding individuals at the ceremony. (Photo: VNA)

Nguyen Thi Doan, Chairwoman of the KOVA Awards Committee, said at the ceremony that the KOVA Awards have heightened the country's socio-economic development.

The awards should be expanded to include scientists working for the army and police forces, and highlight female scientists' achievements, Doan said.

Established by the KOVA Paint Group in 2002, the awards have been given to more than 230 groups and individuals. The organisation aims to encourage students, individuals and groups – especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds – to pursue innovation in science, technology and social welfare.

One applied science and technology award went to a group from the Institute of Medical Equipment and Construction Design under the Ministry of Health. To solve a growing problem of bacterial contamination in medical units and hospitals, the group built 1,500 automatic hand-washing facilities with filtered hot and cold water.

A group of pharmacists and engineers from Binh Dinh Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Company received an award for creating and manufacturing a generic freeze–drying injection, which has been used to treat cancer at 25 hospitals.

A group award for outstanding contributions to society went to the Kon Chieng Commune's Women's Union in Mang Yang District for their hunger and poverty reduction programme aimed at ethnic minority women in the Central Highland province of Gia Lai.
