
Viet Nam to host ASEAN telecoms ministers' meeting

Published: December 01, 2014

Viet Nam will host the 15th ASEAN Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministers’ Meeting (TELMIN) next year.

The 15th Telmin is expected to draw representatives from 10 ASEAN member nations, partner countries, including Japan, the Republic of Korea (RoK), China and India, the World Telecommunication Union and European Union.

The meeting will discuss and approve partnership programmes to strengthen connectivity on information infrastructure, narrow digital communications gap and improve IT application capability among ASEAN member countries, according to the Viet Nam Ministry of Information and Telecommunications.

A number of specific proposals and orientations for future cooperation are expected to be adopted during the annual meeting, said the ministry.

TELMIN is formed as a result of a decision to create stronger regional ties within the telecommunications fraternity in ASEAN.

It meets once a year during which the ministers hold a dialogue among themselves and ASEAN dialogue partners, including China, Japan, the RoK and India.

The annual event also engages with telecommunications and IT industry players in ASEAN through the e-ASEAN Business Council comprising representatives of the private sector from all ASEAN member countries.

