
Vietnamese PhD candidate wins Dutch publisher's award

Published: January 19, 2015

A Vietnamese PhD candidate has won an award from a Dutch publishing company for a science research he co-authored with a South Korean university fellow.

Le Quang Tuan and Lee Do Yeop, two fellows at the Seoul –based Chung-Ang University, was granted the Elsevier’s monthly Atlas award for December for their research titled “Social network system for sharing construction safety & health knowledge (SNSS),” the publisher announced on its website last month.

The research was done under the instruction of Prof. Park Chan Sik, head of the architecture department of the university.

The honored research aims to improve safety and preventing accidents at construction sites by helping managers and workers to share information about potential risks.

The "Social network system for sharing construction safety & health knowledge" research elsevier.com

As described on Atlas website, SNSS uses a combination of two technologies. The 'semantic wiki' lets users tag information, making it searchable, and the 'Protégé ontology' acts as a map to help people categorize information.

Elsevier is one of the world-leading providers of information solutions that enhance the performance of science, health, and technology professionals, according to the company’s website.

Its Atlas award showcases research that can (or already has) significantly impact people's lives around the world, the award’s organizer said on its website.

It also hopes that bringing wider attention to this research will go some way to ensuring its successful implementation.
