
Less than 100 days to end of support for Windows

Published: April 13, 2015

Time is running out for organisations still using Windows Server 2003 with less than 100 days remaining until Microsoft will stop supporting the platform on July 14.

Photo: Internet
Photo: Internet

This is already an extended date and is based on its standard lifecycle support policies. IT leaders need to move quickly to protect the applications and information residing on old servers and to use it as an opportunity to benefit from moving to modern platforms like Windows Server 2012, as outlined in a recent report by IDC Asia Pacific1.

According to Spiceworks, a global professional network of more than five million IT professionals, 59.8 percent of organisations who use its tools in the Asia Pacific are still running Windows Server 2003. This represents a 5 percent drop in Windows Server 2003 usage since June 2014.

(Source: VNA)
