
Seminar about copyright and patent registrations for inventions

Published: April 17, 2015

A seminar entitled “Protection and Commercialisation of Scientific Research Results and Use of Information on Patents” took place in Da Nang on Thursday.  The event was organised by the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam and the University of Da Nang.

The Deputy Director of the University, Prof Dr Doan Quang Vinh, remarked that dozens of scientific studies conducted by local scientists, and lecturers and staff members from local universities are appraised every year.  Their technological innovations are successfully applied in the production activities of local manufacturing establishments.  However, only a few scientific researchers have registered copyrights and patents for their inventions.  To date, 8 local scientific studies have been granted patents in Viet Nam and 2 more have been patented in foreign countries.

Also at the event, representatives from the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam introduced local scientific researchers to the regulations about intellectual property, invention representation skills, industrial property registration and relevant transfer dossiers.
