
Techmart 2015 showcases over 90 new technology products

Published: July 10, 2015

The technology and equipment fair (Techmart) 2015 opened in Ho Chi Minh City on July 9, showing more than 90 new and highly applicable products.

An exhibition space at Techmart 2015. Photo: VNA
An exhibition space at Techmart 2015. Photo: VNA

Among the products, which are ready to be transferred to enterprises and investors, are technologies to grow herbal medicine components cordyceps robeti and fomes japonicus in synthetic environments, 3D printers applicable in various sectors, automated sowing machines and glass cleaners, and antiseptic fluid.

According to Nguyen Ky Phung, Vice Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology, Techmart 2015 aims to support and connect inventors, researchers and enterprises in technology renovation and transfer.

It helps businesses access advanced technology relevant to their production, thus increasing competitiveness in the integration era, he said.

Phung added that the fair also targets the formation and development of the technology market, stepping up technology transfer and commercialising highly-applicable inventions and research results.

Right on the opening day, many technology consultations and transfer deals were signed.

During the two-day event, a number of conferences will be organised to introduce new technologies and equipment brought by participating inventors.

(Source: VNA)
