
Research centre announces commercialisation of RFID HF chip

Published: August 13, 2015

The Integrated Circuit Design Research and Education Centre (ICDREC) under the Viet Nam National University - HCM City announced the commercialisation of the radio-frequency identification (RFID) high frequency chip on August 12.

The announcement ceremony of the commericlisation of the RFID HF chip. (Source: VNA)
The announcement ceremony of the commericlisation of the RFID HF chip. (Source: VNA)

The chip is the result of the State-level research project ‘Designing and manufacturing RFID chips, card readers and systems’ presided over by the VNU-HCM City with a cost of 145.7 billion VND (6.6 million USD) funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Saigon Industrial Corporation.

Radio-frequency identification involves the wireless use of electromagnetic fields to transfer data, automatically identifying and tracking tags attached to objects.

The success of the project would help Viet Nam, which has a growing demand for RFID chip and chip-using devices, avoid dependence on foreign suppliers.

On the occasion, Japan’s Shoei Company and Viet Nam’s VietNet Company signed contracts to manufacture and commercialise RFID high frequency chips and related systems.

(Source: VNA)
