
Positive results from IT applications at Department of Transport

Published: October 20, 2015

In 2010 the Da Nang Department of Transport topped the rankings of the national index for information technology (IT) application for municipal and provincial departments and agencies. 

Since 2011, the Department has promoted IT applications in its administrative reforms.  Most notably, it was the first agency in the city to apply the one-stop-shop mechanism on a trial basis.  Thanks to this, the Department over recent years has made it onto the list of local agencies with the most effective administrative reforms, and it has received high praise from local residents and businesses.

'One-stop-shop' administration at the Department
'One-stop-shop' administration at the Department

Importance has also been attached to collecting opinions from the municipal People’s Committee and other local relevant agencies about developing national-standard procedures to handle the administration related to biddings, the monitoring of the quality of local transport projects, and the management of their dossiers.

In particular, the Department has become one of the leading municipal departments to have shortened the time for handling administrative procedures to 7 days from the 15 days of previous years.  Over recent years, this unit has received very few complaints from local individuals and organisations about mistakes in dealing with their dossiers or delays in returning their results.

The Department’s website at www.sgtvt.danang.gov.vn has now become an effective online channel to ensure a smooth exchange between its staff members and local individuals and organisations.  In particular, local residents can carry out online transactions via the Department’s website and access updated information on local transport activities.  In addition, the application of document management software has helped the Department’s staff members maintain the Department’s good working performance over recent years.


