
Viet Nam joins global science center network under UNESCO auspices

Published: November 13, 2015

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recently approved the establishment of two Category 2 centers of mathematics and physics under its patronization in Viet Nam.

The 38th session of the UNESCO General Conference takes place in Paris from November 3 to 18, 2015. AFP
The 38th session of the UNESCO General Conference takes place in Paris from November 3 to 18, 2015. AFP

The approval has been made during the ongoing 38th session of the UNESCO General Conference in Paris, the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Tuesday.

The ministry said the UNESCO recognition and auspices for entering the Category 2 center network is an international honor for Vietnamese intellects.

Joining the institute and center network as Category 2 under the auspices of UNESCO will help Viet Nam implement the strategy for the development of science and technology for 2011-20, form research organizations that meet world and regional standards, as well as reach the objective of making the Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology one of the leading scientific organizations in Southeast Asia.

According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Category 2 center is a specialized institute of UNESCO member countries under UNESCO’s auspices.

The centers in the fields of UNESCO's competence - such as education, science, culture and information – are established in the mission of regional and international research and specialized training within the policies and strategies of UNESCO.

They contribute to the implementation of the organization’s objectives and development programs, as well as the promotion of international expertise cooperation between member countries.

So far, UNESCO has recognized and sponsored around 98 scientific centers as Category 2, including 49 centers for natural sciences.

In 2015 so far, 17 Category 2 centers in basic science have been approved.

(Source: Tuoi Tre News)
