
Viet Nam's mathematics, physics institutes attain UNESCO recognition

Published: November 11, 2015

The UNESCO General Conference has recognised the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Physics of the Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology as its Category 2 centres.

(Photo: Ministry of Science and Technology)
(Photo: Ministry of Science and Technology)

The recognition will help Viet Nam elevate its position and boost wider connectivity in the science field, attracting students and researchers worldwide to the nation.

UNESCO has to date designated 94 institutes and centres as Category 2 under its auspices, including 49 facilities studying natural sciences.

Though not legally part of UNESCO, these establishments are associated with UNESCO through formal arrangements approved by the General Conference. They are selected upon proposal by member states, based on the strength of their specialisation in one of UNESCO’s fields of competence. Through capacity-building, knowledge sharing and research, they provide valuable and unique contributions to the implementation of UNESCO’s strategic programme objectives.

The 38th UNESCO General Conference is taking place in Paris from November 3-18. The event brought together representatives from 195 member states, associate members, together with observers, intergovernmental organisations and non-governmental organisations.

(Source: VNA)
