
A useful and creative invention for local seafood processing industry

Published: June 23, 2016

A group of engineers from Da Nang’s QCM Technology company took first prize at the 13th National Technological Creation Contest with their invention entitled ‘The Research, Installation and Production of an Electronic Machine for Classifying Shrimp Sizes in the Seafood Processing Industry to Replace Imported Ones’.

Most notably, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), one of the 17 specialised agencies of the United Nations, gave its WIPO Award to the winning group for their excellent work.

The four members of the group were the company’s director Nguyen Thanh Chuong, and its engineers Nguyen Ngoc Hung, Tran Minh Quan, and Nguyen Huu Vinh.

Director Chuong said “Introduced to the local market last year, our invention has been helping local seafood processing businesses classify shrimp sizes with perfect accuracy and efficiency, which in turn increases their productivity”.

Director Nguyen Thanh Chuong operating the machine
Director Nguyen Thanh Chuong operating the machine

The machine boasts many advanced features, including great space-saving and a high capacity.  In addition, the machine is very easy to operate thanks to its programming in the Vietnamese language.

To date, the machine has won the trust of many domestic shrimp processors and exporters, and helped them save a lot of money by not having to import similar machines from abroad. 

The winning group has already registered the intellectual property rights of its invention, whilst the city’s Quality Assurance and Testing Centre has certified the accuracy of the machine.

In addition to this invention, QCM Technology has also involved in designing many different kinds of modern equipment, including a machine to peel shrimps for sushi rolls, and a salmon skin grill machine.

