
New innovations in 2016 - 2017 academic year

Published: August 31, 2016

According to the Director of the Da Nang Department of Education and Training, Mr Nguyen Dinh Vinh, many innovations in educational and training activities will be applied during the 2016 - 2017 academic year.

Le Do Junior High School pupils attending their opening ceremony
Le Do Junior High School pupils attending their opening ceremony

In particular, local teachers will recompile their teaching programmes to match their pupils’ studying ability.  Importance will be attached to applying information technology and renewing teaching methods for such subjects as ethics education, informatics, music, and fine arts, in order to help pupils understand and apply lessons in their classes.

Strict fines will be imposed on individuals and organisations who carry out illegal tutoring programmes for pre-school and primary school pupils.

In addition, optional physical education courses for junior and senior high school pupils will continue to be expanded during the year.
