
U.S. Mission in Viet Nam calls for Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program nominations

Published: September 10, 2016

The U.S. Mission in Viet Nam is calling for nominations of outstanding candidates to participate in the 2017 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program.

An event hosted by the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Programs is seen in this photo posted on their Facebook.
An event hosted by the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Programs is seen in this photo posted on their Facebook.

This program brings Vietnamese teachers to the United States for a semester and provides them with opportunities to study topics that are unique or particularly strong within the U.S. school system, the U.S. Embassy in Ha Noi said in a press release on September 6.

Teachers will also be able to directly observe and learn about the U.S. education system.

Selected candidates will be placed at a U.S. university graduate school of education and will audit up to two classes, pursue a project, observe and lead classes for U.S. teachers and students in local primary and secondary schools, as well as engage in other teaching related activities.

The Fulbright Program in Viet Nam, at the U.S. Embassy Ha Noi, will coordinate and nominate up to 6 candidates from Viet Nam.

It is anticipated that two awards will be granted.

Details on the eligibility, expenses covered and the application process can be accessed at http://www.fulbrightteacherexchange.org/application, or via contacting Ms. Vu Thi Diu, the Program Assistant on (04) 3850-5000 (ext. 6033), or via email: vnfulbright@gmail.com

Only online applications with complete supporting documents will be considered.

The online application is available at https://dafulbrightteachers.org/Home.aspx.

Application deadline is 5:00pm Viet Nam time on October 31st.

(Source: Tuoitrenews)
