
Experts from MekongSkills2Work Network visit local junior college

Published: October 05, 2016

On Tuesday, some experts from the MekongSkills2Work Network visited the Start-up Business Incubators and Innovation CIT - Lotus Hub at the Da Nang College of Information Technology.  The Network is run by the US Agency for Development Project (USAID)’s Connecting the Mekong Through Education and Training project.

the Da Nang College of Information Technology
The Da Nang College of Information Technology

The visiting guests said they are willing to help the college enhance the quality of its educational programmes and teaching methods.  The intention is to help it provide its students with more useful and practical experiences in order to help them meet the recruitment requirements of city-based domestic and foreign businesses.

Leaders from the college briefed their guests on the Incubation of Start-up and Innovation Ideas in Information Technology (PISI-CIT) which has been successfully organised by the college and other domestic and foreign partners. 

The programme aims to help pupils, university students, and young people across the central region to develop their creativity in technology, as well as to introduce their innovative ideas to leading investors in Viet Nam and other Southeast Asian countries.  This will help the participants turn their business dreams into reality, and develop their information and communication technology products.


