
First training course for cyber security simulations launched

Published: November 07, 2016

The Institute for Cyber Security Research and Training (CSO) has launched its training system for cyber security simulations, the first of its kind in Viet Nam.

Mr Do Ngoc Duy Trac speaking at the opening ceremony (Photo: vietnamnet.vn)
Mr Do Ngoc Duy Trac speaking at the opening ceremony (Photo: vietnamnet.vn)

The institute, on 3 November, ran a cyber security drill in which a hacker attacks the computer system of a thermal power plant, taking control of the power supply equipment.

Mr Do Ngoc Duy Trac, Chairman of CSO’s board of the directors, said that the country’s first cyber security training simulation is based on virtualisation, and uses cutting-edge technologies from Israel.

The training course simulates the cyber-systems of state agencies and businesses, including server systems, power stations, cyber-equipment, industrial control equipment, and typical cyber-security systems.

It involves more than 1,000 scenarios of cyber attacks with simulated devices of power stations, ATM systems, bank server systems and industrial control systems.

It can carry out 20 cyber security drills involving more than 200 cyber security experts at the same time.

The training system also has automatic attack scenarios, simulating high-performance cyber attacks with more than 6,000 types of attacks, more than 100 techniques to escape from the defensive system, 30,000 kinds of malware and forms of botnet cyber systems, and dozens of DdoS attacks.

It also acts as a laboratory for testing the capacity of IT systems of government agencies and analysing the operation of malware.

(Source: VNA/DA NANG Today)
