
Mobile Hackathon contest concludes

Published: November 08, 2016

The Mobile Hackathon contest has recently concluded in Da Nang.

Participating contestants at the event
Participating contestants at the event (Photo: Internet)

Organised by the Google Developers Group Mien Trung, the 3-day event attracted around 100 programmers, software and design engineers, and IT lovers from throughout the central region.

During the event, the participating teams wrote out a practical application within 24 hours based on their developed ideas.  A total of 32 applications were presented at the contest.

Team Storm received the highest number of votes from the public for their application entitled ‘Go Market’.  Their application aims to connect people who are too busy to shop with those who have lots of free time.  Then those with free time might help the busy people by doing their shopping and earn money for the service.

An application named ‘Aiship’, developed by team Aiship, won a prize in recognition of their potential talents.  Aiship is designed to connect white-collar employees and mothers of babies with shippers who want to earn money from their shipping activities.

The Best Community Impact award was given to team BK-ITEC for their work entitled ‘My Space’.  In addition to providing traffic maps featuring warnings about accident hotspots and traffic congestion, the application helps users find suitable parking areas.

The Most Comprehensive Application award was given to ‘Smart Photos’ developed by team Termskip.  The application boasts the capacity to recognise the faces of people in photos and send them notifications.

Also at the event, the application ‘E-talk app’, which helps users study English by talking into their smart phones, got an award for its creativity.

