
Outstanding scientists honoured

Published: December 29, 2016

A meeting took place in Da Nang yesterday to honour outstanding local individuals who have made remarkable achievements in the science and technology sector during 2016.

Vice Chairman Dung (left) and a representative from the municipal Science and Technology Department (right) presenting a Certificate of Merit from the municipal People’s Committee to scientist Nguyen Cong Khanh (middle)
Vice Chairman Dung (left) and a representative from the municipal Science and Technology Department (right) presenting a Certificate of Merit from the municipal People’s Committee to scientist Nguyen Cong Khanh (middle)

The honourees included 3 people whose inventions have now been protected by the National Office of Intellectual Property of Viet Nam.  They are Mr Bui Van Ga who invented a gaseous fuel inlet valve and adapter, Mr Nguyen Cong Khanh with an energy collection system operated by rigid sails, and Mr Pham Van Vuong with his invention called ‘dioxolane compounds and ways to split this material from bidens pilosa’.

Also at the event, the writers of 26 scientific articles which have been published in prestigious international journals were honoured.

Municipal People’s Committee Vice Chairman Dang Viet Dung said that the awards aim to encourage local scientists to continue their efforts to conduct more scientific research. 

Vice Chairman Dung urged local scientists to make even more effort to create useful inventions and introduce them to international markets.  He said this would help the city boost its science and technology development, and help local universities to be on a par with international ones.  He also took the opportunity to ask them to bring more of their research projects into fruition for the city’s socio-economic progress.

Over recent years, numerous contests have been held in the city to promote the science and technology sector locally.  In addition, the city has issued numerous preferential policies to honour organisations and individuals who have made remarkable achievements in this sector.  In 2016 alone, a total of around 118 million VND was given to outstanding teams and individuals for their inventions. 


