
Japanese professor honoured by University of Da Nang

Published: February 17, 2017

On Thursday, Professor Yoshiaki Takahashi from Japan’s Chuo University was awarded the title of Honorary Professor by the University of Da Nang (UDN) for his ceaseless devotion to the development of the Da Nang University of Economics (DUE), and UDN as a whole.

 Professor Takahashi (seated) and the 5 students receiving scholarships (Photo: Internet)
Professor Takahashi (seated) and the 5 students receiving scholarships (Photo: Internet)

Professor Takahashi is a leading expert in human resources and business management in Japan, and he was one of the pioneers in establishing bilateral academic cooperation and exchange between UDN and Chuo University.  Most notably, since his retirement from Chuo University in 2013, he has voluntarily devoted himself to teaching activities in Viet Nam, and has been invited to teach at DUE.

Also on Thursday, Professor Takahashi donated a scholarship fund, worth 1 billion VND in total, to DUE.  The fund will be used to grant scholarships to DUE’s poor students.  The scholarships will cover annual living expenses and tuition fees during their 5 years of study at the university.  Also at the event, the first 5 students of DUE were given these scholarships which in total were worth over 100 million VND.
