
The city to start landmines education project for kids

Published: March 03, 2017

The Da Nang People’s Committee will start a landmine and bomb awareness and education project funded by the United States Secretary through Catholic Relief Service organisation.

Landmines and mortar shells shelling are found in a former battle field in central Việt Nam. — VNS Photo Công Thành Read more at http://vietnamnews.vn/society/372007/central-city-to-start-landmines-education-project-for-kids.html#3gwSXf4JmoeMfJjR.99
Landmines and mortar shells shelling are found in a former battle field in the central region. — VNS Photo Cong Thanh

The 855 million VND (US$37,800) project will aim to spread awareness about landmines and bomb-related accidents for students at schools and field trips education for the 2017 – 2020 period.

The city, in cooperation with relevant agencies and its US partner, plans to implement the project in the 2nd quarter this year.

Last year, the city’s branch of the Bomb and Mine Action Support Association donated 240 million VND ($11,000) to support 20 landmine victims in the 7 local districts.

According to a survey in 2002, nearly 96.6 million ha of land across Viet Nam are contaminated with post-war unexploded ordnance (UXO), accounting for 21.12% of the country’s land.

UXOs claimed 42,135 lives and injured 62,163 others from 1975 to 2000.

In 2012, a US government-funded programme to remove unexploded ordnance (UXO) and landmines was launched in Quang Nam Province.

In 2013, Danish Demining Group (DDG) Viet Nam also launched an education project for the prevention of accidents related to landmines and UXO in Quang Nam Province’s Duy Xuyen District.

The Peace Trees Viet Nam, a NGO from the US, built up the Danaan Parry Landmines Education Centre in Quang Tri Province to provide landmine awareness education for provincial residents and children.

(Source: VNS)

