
Bolstering bilateral cooperation with Japan's Nagasaki University

Published: May 27, 2017

On Thursday, Da Nang People’s Committee Vice Chairman cum Head of the Department of Publicity and Training Dang Viet Dung played host to a group from Japan’s Nagasaki University, led by Mrs Iwashige Satomi from the Faculty of Economics.

Mrs Satomi (left) and Vice Chairman Dung
Mrs Satomi (left) and Vice Chairman Dung

Vice Chairman Dung proudly said that many Japanese businesses from such localities as Kawasaki, Yokohama and Sakai have helped Da Nang further its socio-economic progress over recent years.  Numerous bilateral cultural exchanges have been implemented, thereby bolstering bilateral ties between Japan and Da Nang, and Viet Nam as a whole. 

In particular, the University of Da Nang (UDN) is now jointly organising cooperative programmes with many famous Japanese universities.  Vice Chairman Dung hoped that such programmes will be further promoted in future years.

In reply, Mrs Satomi remarked that every year lecturers and students from Nagasaki University make courtesy visits to the Consulate General of Viet Nam in Japan.  In December 2016, the university also welcomed a visiting group of students from the UDN.

She vowed that Nagasaki University will organise more bilateral exchanges of delegations with the UDN’s member universities in the years ahead.

The Japanese guest also expressed her belief that the bilateral relationship between her university and the UDN, and with Da Nang as a whole, will be strengthened in the future.
