
CMC launches anti-malware software

Published: May 23, 2017

Viet Nam-based technology corporation CMC on May 19 released its anti-data encryption software CMC CryptoShield which offers protection from ransomware.

Tr​ieu Tran Duc, General Director of CMC InfoSec under CMC corp introduce CMC CryptoShield at the launch held on May 19 in ​Ha Noi. ​(Photo: genk.vn)
Tr​ieu Tran Duc, General Director of CMC InfoSec under CMC corp introduce CMC CryptoShield at the launch held on May 19 in ​Ha Noi. ​(Photo: genk.vn)

Ransomware is software that blocks access to a computer system until the hackers behind the attack are paid.

CMC CryptoShield is designed to prevent all forms of malicious code by applying artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence system integrated in CMC CryptoShield can recognise all micro-encoded data and block it.

Ransomware has become a new global threat, and profitable business and with the boom of difficult-to-trace cryptocurrencies in recent years, most notably Bitcoin, hackers can get ransom without being traced.

CMC CryptoShield ensures that all user data will be put into a secure and inviolable area right before it is encrypted, said Vu Lam Bang, Director of CMC’s Research and Development Centre at the launch ceremony of CMC CryptoShield.

Speaking at the launch, MrTrieu Tran Duc, General Director of CMC InfoSec under CMC corporation, noted that artificial intelligence is a weapon in the fight against hackers and malicious code.  It has been integrated in CMC CryptoShield and users just need to turn it on so that all the data on their computer is safe.

(Source: VNA/ DA NANG Today)
