
IT Talent 2017 festive day

Published: May 22, 2017

Last Saturday, the IT Talent 2017 festive day took place at the Da Nang Centre for Information Technology Infrastructure Development of the municipal Department of Information and Communications.

Student groups teams inat the ACM/ICPC Contest
Student groups teams in the ACM/ICPC Contest

The event attracted a great deal of attention from local IT lovers and featured IT product displays, personnel recruitment, and job consultancy. 

In addition, there was the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC), entitled ‘Da Nang - a Smart City’.  Participating were 23 teams from 9 universities and junior colleges across the city. 

In the end, a group of students from the Information Technology Faculty of the Da Nang University of Science and Technology won the first prize.

Mr Le Son Phong, Director of the Centre for Information Technology Infrastructure Development, remarked “IT Talent 2017 marks the 10th founding anniversary of the centre.  The festive day also helps to connect IT businesses with their employees, future employees, and customers.”
