
Rankings for index of IT application announced

Published: June 18, 2017

On Thursday, a meeting took place in the city to announce the index of the application of information technology (IT) for 2016 in Da Nang’s government agencies, departments, and municipal to commune-level People’s Committees (PC).  Present at the meeting was municipal PC Vice Chairman cum Head of the Department of Publicity and Training Dang Viet Dung.

Local readers searching through electronic information in the library
Local readers searching through electronic information in the library

The rankings are based on the following criteria: IT infrastructure, its application, employee involvement, and investment policies in the sector.

According to the index results, Hoa Vang District’s PC led the district-level authorities with 65.37 points on the 100-point scale, and the Department of Information and Communications took first place among the city’s government agencies and departments with 96.08 points.  For national agencies, the Da Nang Customs Department came top with 88.6 points, and Hoa Hiep Bac Ward’s PC led in the ranking for the ward and commune-level authorities.

Last year, most of the city’s departments, agencies and district-level authorities effectively used their ‘one-door’ and ‘document management’ softwares, emails and websites.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman Dung stressed the need for local government agencies with a high IT application index to continue their efforts to achieve even better results.  Meanwhile, those with a low index were urged to further promote the application of IT and its effective use. 

Also at the event, 14 agencies were given Certificates of Merit from the municipal PC for their outstanding achievements in the application of IT during 2016.
