
Building smart cities – trend of Industry 4.0

Published: July 16, 2018

Viet Nam has made progress in applying applications of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) in various areas of life, including smart urban development.

Illustrative image (Source: internet)
Illustrative image (Source: internet)

According to Le Quoc Huu, Chief Architect of Smart City of mobile network operator Viettel, the Vietnamese Party and Government have given clear directions on using the advantages of Industry 4.0 and developing information communication technology (ICT) infrastructure.

Huu, who also joined a smart urban development project in Viet Nam, said the Government has been stepping up the building of e-government recently.

Most public services are now online (88%), he said, adding that major ICT and telecom groups such as Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT), Viettel, FPT and CMC Corporation have been setting up departments specialising in studying and developing technological applications and smart urban area solutions.

Viet Nam has several advantages for the work, such as good telecommunication infrastructure and a high rate of internet users (54% of the country’s population).

In 2016, Viet Nam ranked 79th among the 139 countries in networked readiness index (NRI) and stood third in terms of telecommunications affordability.

However, there are still difficulties in building smart urban areas, especially limited capital and lack of international standards, Huu said.

He referred to public-private partnerships as an effective way to mobilise social investment, particularly from enterprises, to build smart cities.

At the recent Industry 4.0 Summit and Expo 2018 in Hanoi, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said Vietnam is ready to overcome any challenges ahead, moving forward to grasp opportunities presented by Industry 4.0.

He said Viet Nam has been researching new global technologies – such as the Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence – to improve its competitiveness and boost innovation.

To optimise opportunities and minimise negative impact of Industry 4.0, the Vietnamese Government is determined to build long-term plans and concrete policies.

The country also needs the support of development partners, businesses and international experts with the wave of scientific-technological breakthroughs as well as its increasing integration into the world, he added.

(Source: VNA)
