
Conference in Da Nang discusses Viet Nam - South Korea technical and industrial cooperation

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 26, 2023, 12:28 [GMT+7]

The Consulate General of South Korea in Da Nang held a conference themed ‘The fourth Industry Revolution (Industry 4.0) and prospects of the Viet Nam - South Korea cooperation’ in the city on Tuesday.

This is the first event organised by the Consulate General of South Korea in Da Nang afer Viet Nam and South Korea signed a comprehensive strategic partnership on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic relations of the two countries in late 2022.

Mr. Kang Boo Sung, the Consul General of South Korea in Da Nang, said that future technologies that are innovative and representative of Industry 4.0 are being implemented. Such technologies as the Internet of Things, robots, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence (AI) are no longer imaginary.

Industry 4.0 has also changed the image of traditional agriculture. The future form of agriculture is no longer traditional farming, but an era of convenient and sustainable management of crops and harvests, he added.

According to Mr. Le Duc Vien, Director of the municipal Department of Science and Technology, the Industry 4.0 is changing socio-economic activities, opening up opportunities and posing many challenges for each country, organisation and individual.

He added that many countries around the world have been developing and implementing different policies to actively exploit the benefits of new technologies, promote economic development and improve national competitiveness.

However, the level of active participation in the 4th Industrial Revolution of Viet Nam in general and the city in particular is still low.

He, therefore, highlighted that strengthening cooperation with leading countries in technology and industry such as South Korea was a good opportunity for the city to promote a new growth model based on science - technology and innovation.

During the conference, participants shared information and experience in building support mechanisms and policies. They also discussed measures to enhance ties between organisations and enterprises of the two sides to develop human resources for the revolution, supporting the research and development of key technologies, and exchanging experts, researchers, businesspeople, and students.

Reporting by M.Q - Translating by M.DUNG
