
Digital transformation tasks in 2023 deployed

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 19, 2023, 18:33 [GMT+7]

Since early March, the authorities at local level have issued digital transformation plans in 2023, thereby concretising the year’s digital transformation goals and solutions.

Many solutions are being deployed by units and localities to accomplish digital transformation goals. IN THE PHOTO: An government official of An Hai Dong Ward in Son Tra District instructing a local resident to scan a QR code to carry out administrative procedures. Photo: M.Q
Many solutions are being deployed by units and localities to accomplish digital transformation goals. IN THE PHOTO: An government official of An Hai Dong Ward in Son Tra District instructing a local resident to scan a QR code to carry out administrative procedures. Photo: M.Q

39 digital transformation targets

According to Plan No. 56/KH-UBND dated March 4, 2023 issued by the Da Nang People's Committee on implementing digital transformation tasks in the city in 2023, the city sets 39 targets in digital transformation, including 8 digital data, 13 digital government, 6 digital economy and 12 digital society targets.

Of the 39 targets, Da Nang sets 13 separate criteria compared to the whole country, such as 100% of State agencies providing open data; the proportion of information technology industry being 14% in GRDP; the number of digital technology enterprises per 1,000 people being 2.1; and 8.5% of the workforce working in the IT industry.

In addition, the city strives for 11 its targets higher than the national ones such as 100% of reports made by State administrative agencies being done online, and digital economy accounting for 20% of the city's GRDP.

Compared to 2022, the city has 19 more targets, as well as one more item of digital data. It can be seen that the city's digital transformation tasks in 2023 increase in quantity and have high requirements in quality.

According to Mr. Tran Ngoc Thach, Deputy Director of the municipal Department of Information and Communications cum Chief of Office for Digital Transformation, the municipal government has assigned specific tasks to each department and agency to create unity, and promote the role and responsibility of leaders.

In late March, the municipal People's Committee continued to issue documents on implementing solutions to improve the rate of online public service records and on the use of digital administrative procedure results to replace some paper ones.

Accordingly, the authorities at local level are required to review, standardise and electronicise application and declaration forms in the direction of reducing at least 20% of information to be declared on the basis of digital data reuse. The work is expected to be completed in June 2023.

Top priority is given to completing and updating digital administrative procedures into the digital administrative procedure results, thereby ensuring that 100% of newly arising administrative procedure results are digitally signed on eGov system.

Districts actively implement plans

In addition to the city's plan, the district-level authorities carry out their digital transformation tasks.

Accordingly, in late February, the Son Tra District People's Committee issued a plan to implement digital transformation tasks in the district in 2023 under 3 platforms: digital government - digital economy - digital society with 11 specific tasks.

Mr. Hoang Son Tra, Chairman of the Son Tra District People's Committee, said that in order to increase efficiency, the district will soon deploy the Smart Operations Monitoring Centre to exploit the data analysis system, as well as will coordinate with the city’s Information Technology Infrastructure Development Centre and the municipal Department of Information and Communications to ensure safety, network security and information confidentiality.

Meanwhile, the Thanh Khe District People's Committee has set 22 digital transformation goals, including 11 digital government, 5 digital economy and 6 digital society goals. In parallel, the district also set a list of 26 digital transformation contents that need to be implemented.

Chairman of the Thanh Khe District People's Committee Ho Thuyen said that the district assigns specific tasks to each department as well as spend funds to invest in other important tasks.

In particular, VND720 million has been poured into strengthening the introduction of educational activities into the digital environment, and VND520 million into purchasing exam bank software.

The district is also determined to maximise all resources in order to promote the strength of the whole society to complete the digital transformation plan.

Similarly, the Cam Le District People's Committee sets 22 digital transformation foundational goals, including 14 digital government, 4 digital economy and 4 digital society goals.

To accomplish the abovementioned goals, the district has set out 8 specific tasks, in which the task of changing awareness of digital transformation is considered the most important.

It is known that other districts in the city will issue their local digital transformation plans in April, thereby defining clear goals, and closely following the city’s key digital transformation goals in 2023 in a bid to create unity and promote the role of the head of each unit.

Reporting by M.QUE - Translating by M.DUNG
