
Fostering scientific research from grassroots units

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 18, 2023, 16:56 [GMT+7]

Da Nang-based universities regularly organise many meaningful and exciting activities to promote and support students' scientific research ideas, thereby helping them form scientific thinking and working methods and meet the requirements of technicians and scientists during the integration process.

Students participate in the 8th Dong A University-based scientific research contest of Dong A University. Photo: M.Q
Students participate in the 8th Dong A University-based scientific research contest of Dong A University. Photo: M.Q

Last April, the city-based Dong A University launched the 9th scientific research contest for students. After nine years of organisations, the contest has received a total of 342 projects made by 747 students. Particularly for the 2022-2023 academic year, 119 projects with the involvement of 304 students from 15 specialised faculties were eligible for implementation.

Mr. Luong Minh Sam, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dong A University, said that supporting students in scientific research was his school's regular task. The school assigned lecturers in specialised subjects to guide students to implement scientific research projects. During the implementation, students were facilitated to use the laboratory, along with practical equipment and research materials in the library.

Students who conduct scientific research are given priority to receiving scholarships, emulation titles and rewards if they have high achievements in scientific research activities. In addition, the university also regularly organises scientific seminars to provide more useful knowledge for its students.

To invest in students' scientific research, the University of Technical Education under the University of Da Nang spends about VND1.5 billion per year. Accordingly, right from the second year, students with good academic results and passion for scientific research are facilitated to participate in research groups.

They access modern research methods and work on high-performance computer systems to handle research content in a better way. On the other hand, students have access to skills in scientific research such as writing and publishing prestigious scientific articles, as well as take part in scientific research seminars and meet with prestigious scientists at both home and abroad.

With the role of providing IT human resources for Da Nang in particular and the whole country in general, the University of Science and Technology always focuses on promoting scientific ideas among students.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tao Quang Bang, Head of the Department of Science, Technology and International Cooperation of the University of Science and Technology, said that the scientific research and technology transfer activities among students, over the past time, have undergone drastic changes. Many research projects with high scientific value have been published in prestigious domestic and foreign journals.

Most of the products are highly applicable, meeting the requirements of production deployment. Included are rehabilitation gloves using two-way soft pneumatic actuators made by students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and a real-time water level measurement toolkit for urban underground drainage systems by students of the Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering.

According to Deputy Director of the municipal Department of Science and Technology Duong Hoang Van Ban, his department has always accompanied universities, colleges, intermediate schools and related units to support students to conduct scientific research. This will help create a source of ideas with quality, applicability and feasibility to introduce and connect with business incubators and investors in the city, there by spreading the spirit of scientific research and innovation startups among students.

Reporting by M.QUE - Translating by M.DUNG
