
QR codes to be used in handling administrative procedures from May 25

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
May 06, 2023, 11:53 [GMT+7]

Most recently, the Government Office has issued Circular No. 01prescribing a number of contents and implementation measures relating to digitalisation of dossiers and results of administrative procedure settlement, and performance of administrative procedures in the electronic environment.

Accordingly, QR codes will be applied in the process of receiving and handling administrative procedures starting from May 25.

The application of providing QR codes in receiving administrative procedures must comply with Vietnamese standards TCVN 7322:2009 (ISO/IEC 18004:2006) on information technology - identification techniques and automatic data acquisition - technical requirements for QR code 2005.

QR codes that are printed in the upper left corner of documents published from the data of ministerial- and provincial-level information systems for handling administrative procedures for organisations and individuals must provide the minimum data.

Included are code of the dossier for settlement of an administrative procedure; code of an administrative procedure; identification code of the organisation or individual performing an administrative procedure; name of the document to be published; name of the information system providing the data; and time of publication.

As for a receipt and an appointment to return results, the QR code must provide additional data on the date of the appointment. Meanwhile, with regard to administrative procedure settlement results, the QR code must provide additional data on the validity period and scope (if any).

Reporting by T.HUY - Translating by M.DUNG
