
Bringing literary works to readers

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 27, 2024, 17:46 [GMT+7]

Entering the digital age and international integration, the flow of literature has been taking on a new hue, and readers' reception and enjoyment of literature have also changed. Therefore, for a literary work to reach readers, writers not only need to create high-quality “spiritual children” but also must adapt and actively promote their works both in real life and on digital platforms.

Junior high school pupils in Hai Chau District participating in an art book display and arrangement contest to celebrate “Book and Reading Culture Day” at the APEC Sculpture Park. Photo: X.D
Junior high school pupils in Hai Chau District participating in an art book display and arrangement contest to celebrate “Book and Reading Culture Day” at the APEC Sculpture Park. Photo: X.D

Bringing literary works to readers is, first and foremost, the responsibility of the writer. Regardless of the famous writer's name, a work must be good and of high quality to be well-received by readers. Mr. Nguyen Minh Hung, Vice President of the Da Nang Writers' Association, believes that readers of every era always seek out new, interesting literary stories and expressions. Therefore, writers must continuously create excellent works and refrain from publishing low-quality, unoriginal works even though it is difficult to self-assess one’s own writing.

Moreover, writers need to approach and use technology and online platforms to participate in e-publishing or offer e-books on websites to reach online readers. They should leverage social media channels to promote their works, share interesting excerpts, and engage with readers. Additionally, maintaining regular connections and interactions with readers-discussing works at bookstores, schools, or literary events-helps in reaching out to the audience.

“Authors should also plan to participate in literary competitions and awards to increase the recognition and credibility of their works. Winning awards can draw more attention from the media and readers,” Mr. Hung shared.

There are many ways to bring literary works to readers, among which, approaching publishers and book distributors to sell the rights to their works is one of the most popular methods. Le Hang, a writer and member of the Da Nang Writers’ Association, mentioned that this is a path many authors wish to take because it brings many advantages to the creator. When selling rights to business units, authors receive royalties for their works, and the publishing house’s team handles all the editing, design, printing, and distribution tasks. This way, authors only play a small part in completing the book, allowing them more time to develop new ideas.

However, to successfully approach publishers and book distributors, authors must be well-prepared. First, they should thoroughly research each publisher to determine if they handle literary works and whether their work fits the publisher's current focus. Additionally, they must always submit their best manuscript along with a literary biography and a synopsis of the work. This process also allows authors to review whether their work benefits readers and convinces investors.

Readers at the 2024 “Book and Reading Culture Day” event. Photo: X.D
Readers at the 2024 “Book and Reading Culture Day” event. Photo: X.D

According to many writers in the city, when local writers have works, most of them self-finance the printing, but the most challenging part is distribution, due to many factors, including the culture of reading. From the perspective of publishing and distribution, Nguyen Quynh Linh, Deputy Director of Da Nang Publishing House, noted that the path to bringing literary works to readers has never been easy, nor has it been as complicated as it is today-in the digital era.

In the factors affecting the development of reading culture in general and literary reading in particular, publishing activities play a crucial role. To meet the reading demands of the audience, the quality of content and publications must constantly be improved.

Furthermore, it is essential to promote the value and enhance the media effect, spreading the impact of works that have won the National Book Award; and to strengthen collaboration with the library sector by organizing events that honour the culture of reading and foster a love for books. Additionally, international cooperation in developing reading culture should be emphasized, aiming to promote and introduce significant and valuable Vietnamese works to readers worldwide.

Regarding international cooperation in the literary field, in recent years, Da Nang has seen many cultural exchange activities with other countries, especially South Korea and France.

According to poet Nguyen Nho Khiem, Permanent Vice President of the Da Nang’s Union of Literature and Arts Associations, in the past two years, Da Nang and Daegu, South Korea, have signed a memorandum of understanding for cultural exchange and cooperation. Annually, the two units alternate sending groups of artists to interact, learn from one another, and strengthen cooperative relationships in the fields of literature and art. In literature, some of the city's poets have traveled to South Korea to participate in seminars, exchanges, and promote their works.

Notably, Da Nang has writer Vinh Quyen, who won the 2021 ASEAN Literature Award, and has written many works in English, which have been well-received by international readers.

“Da Nang’s literature has many talented authors with excellent works, but the promotion efforts are still limited. If we can translate some outstanding works that have made a mark into other languages, it will contribute to promoting and spreading the city’s literature to international readers. The Union also encourages authors to make the most of the internet and social media to introduce and promote their works. This will provide a new living environment and a new path for the works to reach the hearts of readers,” Mr. Khiem shared.

Reporting by K. NGUYEN - Translating by TRUC VY
