
Scientific research and practical application in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 31, 2024, 18:09 [GMT+7]

Scientific research and technology development activities are one of the key tasks of Da Nang’s science and technology sector.

Autonomous UV-C disinfection robot. Photo: THANH THAO
Autonomous UV-C disinfection robot. Photo: THANH THAO

Perfecting policies and promoting research activities

Over recent years, the city has issued mechanisms, policies, and research orientations to support organisations and individuals in promoting scientific research activities.

Included are Decision No. 5046/QD-UBND and Decision No. 2237/QD-UBND on approving scientific research programmes in the city over the 2017-2025 period; Decision No. 872/QD-UBND of the People's Committee implementing Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW of the Politburo on a number of policies and strategies to proactively participate in the 4.0 revolution in the city; and Plan No. 188/KH-UBND of the People's Committee on implementing Action Programme No. 32-CTr/TU of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party Committee on implementing Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW of the Politburo on developing and applying biotechnology to serve the country's sustainable development in the new situation.

In addition, commendation activities are conducted annually in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 248/2019/NQ-HDND and Resolution No. 86/2022/NQ-HDND of the municipal People's Council.

The municipal Department of Science and Technology always accompanies and creates favourable conditions for scientists to perform scientific research and technology development tasks.

During the 2023-2024 period, the Department targets to implement 104 tasks at all levels, including a project under the Rural and Mountainous Areas Programme, 90 city-level projects, and 13 grassroots-level scientific research projects on all areas of life.

Focus on research ordering

In the recent period, most of the scientific research have been conducted to contribute to solving specific problems of the sectors and the city.

Most recently, there have been many research orders from the Party Committee, the People's Committee, departments, branches and sectors such as research and compilation of Da Nang’s history; research to determine the causes of erosion and sedimentation and propose solutions to protect the stability of the Cu De estuary and Da Nang Bay; research on the possibility of typical native tree species in parks and streets; building a model for managing diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes; research on the construction of an artificial reproduction process for commercial farming of the beaded snakehead fish; research on the construction of a model for recycling construction solid waste; and investigation of aquatic resources in the river.

In the field of engineering technology, a self-propelled robot that disinfects with UV-C rays has been manufactured and its ability to disinfect in the laboratory has been tested. A semi-industrial process and model have been built to cultivate Haematococcus Pluvialis microalgae using oxalate micromineral solution to collect biomass and accumulate astaxanthin effectively.

With the topic "Research on solutions for managing and exploiting traffic infrastructure data in Da Nang on the basis of digital maps", a comprehensive solution has been taken to manage the entire infrastructure and traffic system, which will help management agencies easily monitor traffic-related works and infrastructure. In the future, this data may be useful in more important areas such as navigating the bus system, finding routes, and reducing traffic congestion in urban areas, etc.

The application of science and technology in healthcare sector has brought many positive results in treating patients.

Notable among scientific research in the field is "Research on the effectiveness of applying the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) method in patients with cardiogenic shock complicated by cardiac arrest at the Da Nang Hospital". It builds a process to support medical centres and hospitals in other places in the initial emergency care of patients with cardiopulmonary failure, with the desire to bring the best treatment to patients.

Regarding social sciences and humanities, the city researches and proposes solutions to develop sustainable livelihoods for coastal fishing communities, and promote tourism associated with Cham culture.

Mrs. Le Thi Thuc, Deputy Director of the municipal Department of Science and Technology, said that after acceptance, the municipal-level science and technology tasks are announced at scientific seminars and conferences or published in domestic and international scientific journals.

Many research results in Da Nang have been published in prestigious international journals, or have won outstanding prizes at domestic competitions such as Vietnam Science and Technology Innovation Award, and Technical Innovation Competition.

Reporting by TRAN NHIEN - Translating by M.DUNG
