
Impressive Dong Ho folk woodcut pictures

Published: June 09, 2013

The Dong Ho folk woodcut picture village is located on the east side of the Duong River, Song Ho Commune, Thuan Thanh District, Bac Ninh Province.  The making of Dong Ho folk pictures has been recognised as a national intangible cultural heritage.

Danang Today would like to share with our readers some photos, taken by reporter Ngoc Doan, which reflect how the folk woodcut pictures are made.

Introducing some Dong Ho folk woodcut pictures to customers
Introducing some Dong Ho folk woodcut pictures to customers
“Do” paper which is made from crushed shells of scallops, then mixed with a layer of rice paste
“Do” paper which is made from crushed shells of scallops, then mixed with a layer of rice paste
An artisan making a wooden mold for printing pictures
An artisan making a wooden mold for printing pictures
Impressive wood carvings
Impressive wood carvings
A woman printing folk pictures
A woman printing folk pictures
The “Boy Sitting on a Buffalo and Playing Flute” picture
The “Boy Sitting on a Buffalo and Playing Flute” picture

