
Lang Co Bay – Wonders of Nature

Published: December 21, 2013

Lang Co Bay is situated at the foot of the Hai Van Pass, 25km north of Da Nang.  The bay boasts seaside resorts with smooth sand, clear water, a diversified ecosystem, and an extensive tropical forest covering rolling mountains.  In 2009, it was recognised as the 30th member of the “World’s Most Beautiful Bays” club (Worldbays Club).

Here are some photos, selected from the Lang Co – tuyet tac cua thien nhien (Lang Co Bay – Wonders of Nature) album, which reflect the beauty of this bay.  They were taken by photographer Minh Thanh during his trip to this amazing place.

Lang Co Bay
Lang Co Bay
 Late afternoon sunshine on the bay
Late afternoon sunshine on the bay
 Local residents earning their living on the bay
Local residents earning their living on the bay
 Low tide
Low tide

