
Photographs from Derek

Published: April 08, 2014

Those of you who read last Friday's story called "The man who refuses to give up" will be familiar with Derek's name.  He left Da Nang yesterday afternoon to continue his journey south, and has asked me to convey his thanks to the wonderful people he met while he was in our city.  He stayed much longer than he had planned, and told me that for the first time in his 32,000 kilometres so far, he had found a place that he did not want to leave.  Like others who see Da Nang for the first time, he has been overwhelmed not only by its beauty, but by its history, its architecture, and the kindness of its people.

Derek arrived last week feeling exhausted, hungry, and a little bit "down". He has left with a renewed spirit, a heart full of love, and memories of Da Nang that will stay with him to the end of his journey. 

Here are some photographs that he wanted to share with you all. 

