
Spectacular images of the country's sea and islands

Published: July 18, 2014

The country's sacred sovereignty over its sea and islands always brings an endless source of inspiration to all generations of Vietnamese photographers.  Their photos represent in the truest way the voice from their hearts and demonstrate their patriotism and sacred feelings toward the nation’s sea and islands.

Danang Today would like to share with our readers some photos which depict the beauty of the country’s sea and islands.  The photos were taken by some of Da Nang’s photographers.

“Bien Chieu Nam o” (The Nam O Beach at Dusk) by photographer Quan Chung
“Bien Chieu Nam o” (The Nam O Beach at Dusk) by photographer Quan Chung
  “Chuyen cua Bien” (The Story of the Sea) by Mua Thu
“Chuyen cua Bien” (The Story of the Sea) by Mua Thu
“Canh Giu Bau Troi” (A Naval Soldier Guarding the Nation's Airspace) by Dang Van No
“Canh Giu Bau Troi” (A Naval Soldier Guarding the Nation's Airspace) by Dang Van No
“Le Hoi Bien” (The Beach Tourism Festival) by Dang Dang Khoa
“Le Hoi Bien” (The Beach Tourism Festival) by Dang Dang Khoa
       “Tuan Tra” (The Border Guard Force Observing Ongoing Activities at Sea) by Minh Thanh
“Tuan Tra” (The Border Guard Force Observing Ongoing Activities at Sea) by Minh Thanh

