
Bustling Christmas Eve atmosphere in Da Nang

Published: December 26, 2014

Despite the weather on Christmas Eve being colder than last year in Da Nang, the city’s streets were still crowded with local residents and visitors celebrating the event.

Danang Today offers readers some photos of the Christmas Eve celebrations in Da Nang, taken by reporter Phan Chung, which reflect the colourful and bustling atmosphere of this special day.

Catholic worshippers gathered at the Thanh Duc Parish Church in the rain …
Catholic worshippers gathered at the Thanh Duc Parish Church in the rain …
… and at the Da Nang Cathedral, known to the locals as “Nha Tho Con Ga” (Rooster Cathedral) …
… and at the Da Nang Cathedral, known to the locals as “Nha Tho Con Ga” (Rooster Cathedral)
      A musical performance to celebrate Christmas Eve
A musical performance to celebrate Christmas Eve
 Shoppers busy buying Christmas items at a local store
Shoppers busy buying Christmas items at a local store
   Santa Claus presenting a Christmas gift to a child patient at the Maternity and Paediatrics Hospital
Santa Claus presenting a Christmas gift to a child patient at the Maternity and Paediatrics Hospital
  Two children in a photo with Santa
Two children in a photo with Santa

