
Flooding in Hoi An

Published: December 09, 2016

When the rainy season comes, Quang Nam Province’s Hoi An is susceptible to flooding, and when it does flood, it offers a vivid and amazing beauty which impresses visitors.

Here are some photos, selected from the ‘Hoi An in its Flood Season’ collection. The photos were taken by Huynh Van Truyen, a freelance photographer for DA NANG Today.

 Visitors take to wooden boats near the ‘Chua Cau’(Japanese Covered Bridge), the symbol of Hoi An
Visitors take to wooden boats near the ‘Chua Cau’ (Japanese Covered Bridge), the symbol of Hoi An
 Visitors tour the ancient city by boat
Visitors tour the ancient city by boat
 Floodwaters on a local street
Floodwaters on a local street
  A child cycling through the floodwaters
A child cycling through the floodwaters

