
Exciting ambiance observed at Da Nang Colour Race 2023

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 29, 2023, 17:44 [GMT+7]

On Saturday, athletes of Danang Colour Race 2023, known as the Da Nang Sea Sports Festival, gathered at Man Thai Beach, Man Thai Ward, Son Tra District to participate in exciting competitions. This was one of the activities in the opening week of the Da Nang Beach Tourism Season in 2023.

From early morning, many athletes gather at Man Thai Beach, Son Tra District to participate in running, swimming and SUP races at the Da Nang Colour Race 2023.
From early morning, many athletes gather at Man Thai Beach, Son Tra District to participate in running, swimming and SUP races at the Da Nang Colour Race 2023.

This year's event comprised of 3 separate competitions: running on the sand with the theme "Bare feet in the sea" with distances of 2km, 5km and 10km; 2km swimming race; a 2km Stand up paddleboarding (SUP) race.

Finishing in third place in the 10km running category, athlete Gonzalo Navarro said that, every day, he goes to Da Nang Beach to jog and improve his physical health. Two days prior to the race, he was lucky enough to successfully register to participate in such an exciting beach sport event.

"In Da Nang, besides the beautiful beaches, the people are very friendly. Sports, activities and experiences take place continuously, attracting many local residents and tourists. I hope that everyone will love Da Nang and spend more time here.”, said Gonzalo Navarro.

Participating in the 2km SUP race, Mr. Le Pham Quoc Anh, residing in Chinh Gian Ward, Thanh Khe District said that this was his second time participating in this type of sport at Da Nang Color Race.

This year's season had a larger scale than last year with many attractive competitions that were highly inviting to many athletes from all over the world, thereby contributing to making the ongoing Da Nang Beach Tourism Season more vibrant and bustling.

Phan Minh Nhan, an athlete participating in the SUP race from Man Thai Ward, Son Tra Districtexpects that, in the future, Da Nang Color Race will become a highlight and brand of marine sports tourism in Da Nang along with other tourism stimulus activities.

"Through the festival's activities, it is hoped that visitors will feel better about the people, cuisine, beautiful landscape of Da Nang beaches and have an impressive and comfortable stay in this central coastal hub of tourism.”, said Nhan.

A foreign tourist competes in a race in the morning of April 29.
A foreign tourist competes in a race in the morning of April 29.
Athletes participating in Da Nang Colour Race 2023 are preparing for the 2km SUP race on the morning of April 29.
Athletes participating in Da Nang Colour Race 2023 are preparing for the 2km SUP race on the morning of April 29.
   Athletes take souvenir photos before the start of the SUP competition.
Athletes pose for a souvenir photo before the start of the SUP competition.
 Over 500 athletes compete in competitions during this year's event.
Over 500 athletes compete in competitions during this year's event.
 The event’s organisers support athletes to make recovery after participating in the competition.
The event’s organisers support athletes to make recovery after participating in the competition.
Athletes joining each completion are awarded commemorative medals.
Athletes joining each completion are awarded commemorative medals.

Reporting by VAN HOANG, QUOC CUONG – Translating by A.THU
